Monday 16 August 2010

Series 1 Episode 1: Rose

An explosive start to the extremley missed sci-fi known as Doctor Who, the much loved show that no genre set in stone. But this was an all new beginning, what ever was shown in this episode depeneded on wether or not Doctor Who would start where it left off after a sixteen year gap. With the introduction of the 9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) and the lovely new companion Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) Russell T Davies perfectly managed to bring Doctor Who into the 21st Century, this episode included everything good from the fclassic series, with a mix of pure genious, for example the painful death of Clive in front of his family and the expected death of Rose's boyfriend, Mickey Smith, that was one part I didn't like about this episode, the fact that Rose didn't realise her boyfriend was made of plastic... throughout their dinner date it was quite obvious. Apart from that and the 'Anti Plastic'... serious what really is anti plastic? Anyway... it was a really good episode and a brilliant introduction to the much loved Doctor, Christopher Eccleston and the 'fantastic' companipn Rose Tyler.

Rating: 9/10

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