Tuesday 17 August 2010

Series 3 Episode 10: Blink

Blink was a truely brilliant episode, it was perfect,  Doctor Who has told a number of supremely clever time travel stories over the years. However, even a series with as many high points as this, "Blink" stands out as one of its finer moments. This episode comes from the mind of Steven Moffat, who brought us last season's also brilliant "The Girl in the Fire Place." It's similar to last season's "Love and Monsters," an episode that had very little of The Doctor and Rose. Here we don't even see Martha and The Doctor except on a DVD until late in the episode.
Filling in as the star of the episode is Carey Mulligan as "Sally Sparrow," a photographer interested in an old house. She begins receiving messages from The Doctor, who is trapped in 1969. They arrive in a variety of ways - from a rock being throw at her, writing on old walls, and in "easter eggs" on DVDs. When people start going missing around her, she starts getting messages from them as well. If all of this sounds involved, it is, but it's also told in an incredibly elegant way, never leaving you confused as to how whatever happened just happened. The logic might be strained, but the Doctor nips the doubt in the bud with a humorous explanation of "timey-wimey" things.
Normatively this episode is ingenious, investing us in a character we've never met, but suddenly feel has been around a lot longer. She loses an old friend and has the potential of a new boyfriend snatched from her in mere moments. All the while, the episode is making us question the presence of statues - and whether that slight movement we thought we detected was real after all. It's this concept that makes this episode's enemy, "the weeping angels," a stroke of real genius.

Rating: 1500/10

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