Tuesday 17 August 2010

Series 1 Episode 12/13: Bad Wolf/ The Parting of ways

The Parting of ways and Bad Wolf was brilliantly written, from the very moments when the Doctor is stuck in Big Brother to the very end, it was really good how we got to see the last moments of the time war, and all those little people in the control room (who's names we never hear) give up their lives to buy the Doctor more time, Jack and Rose played an intresting part in this story, for they were both willing to help the Doctor no matter what the cost, and even when Rose is sent back to earth sacrafices everything to be able to get back to him.

If anything the ending made the Doctor seem more human then he ever has before, giving up everything to save the love of his life. This was also the first time we have saw the Doctor regenerate on screen for nine years, and the introduction to a new Doctor brought back the old magic of Doctor Who.

The new Doctor looked really intresting, he is definetly less mature then the last Doctor. So, goodbye 9th Doctor.

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