Monday 16 August 2010

Series 1 Episode 9/10: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

This was the first episode written by the amazingly talented Steven Moffat, it is set in World War II and the Doctor and Rose are running from a child missing for his mummy. This episode was purely terrifing and truely brilliant, it was the introduction of Captain Jack Harkness, a previous time agent from the 52nd Century who joins the Doctor and Rose in many other adventures, I loved the scene where the Doctor walks on stage in a bar, and asks the crowd if they have found anything that has fell from the sky lately, he then sees the air raid poster. Priceless.

One of my favorite moments of this episode was when Rose was hanging on a barage balloon with a big union flag on her chest... in the middle of a german bombing! This episode was a work of pure genious, and set our standards high for future Doctor Who episodes.

Rating: 10/10

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