Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Series 2 Episode 3: School Reunion

Sarah Jane Smith, played by Elisabeth Sladen, appeared in the original Doctor Who series as the third and fourth Doctors' (Jon Petwee's and Tom Baker's) companion during the 1970s.

In a classy homage to her character, she reprises her role once more in this week's "School Reunion." Shape-shifting evil bat-like aliens take over a school and feed the students some greenish oil that has the effect of making human children hyper-intelligent. The Headmaster, played by Buffy veteran Anthony Head, leverages the combined intellect of the unnaturally intelligent children to solve the god-hood equation that will grant them unimaginable power. As usual, it's up to the Doctor and his associates to stop the aliens.

Come to think of it, the backdrop to the story is so off the wall and so obviously tongue-in-cheek that it somehow manages to come off as being wholly original, despite the obvious campy-horror influences.In any event, the story is secondary to the actual reunion between the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith. Sarah is initially very upset about the fact that the Doctor never came back to see her after they had parted ways. His explanation: He could not bear to watch her grow old. If she wanted to, she could spend the rest of her life with him. However, he would be unable to spend the rest of his immortal life with her. Such, is the curse of being a Time Lord. Tennant continues to impress as the new Doctor, as he shows a fantastic range of emotions when he first meets Sarah Jane, and his interactions with her throughout the episode feel completely natural and believable.

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