Monday 16 August 2010

Series 1 Episode 2: The End of the World

The end of the world was the second episode of the first series of Doctor Who, it was also written by Russell T Davies, this episode was Rose's first proper trip in the TARDIS, the Doctor and Rose land on a space station, where the great and the good are staying to watch the earth explode. The visitors of the end of the earth include:

The Face of Boe
Casandra dot delta seventeen
The Moxx of Bahoon

Although this episode was quite good, it had the potential to be much better. For example the episode would be much better if it was more of a 'whodunnit' for example, it would have been great if the audience was led to suspect diffrent people at diffrent times, the moxx of bahoon would have been a great suspect. Cassandra was a bit of a bland character, it seemed that it was obvious that she was the villian from the very start. Rose's reactions to the aliens were perfect, she walked away eventually and started talking to a plant... then she was nearly burnt by the sun.

Overall this episode was quite well written and was matched by very good acting.

Rating: 7/10

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